
Meet ASDA peers from across 3 districts, while teaming up to conquer a challenging escape room.

Lessons from a Lobbyist
Jim Schultz

Get lobbying advice from Jim Schultz - a lifelong political activist and Director of Governmental and Public Affairs for the New Jersey Dental Association.

Roundtable Discussion of Topics

Join MAAA’s breakout rooms in preparation for Sunday’s debate and a chance to connect with ASDA members throughout Districts 2-4.

Warp-up/Trivia Winner

Submit your biggest takeaway on your district’s Instagram to be entered in to win the daily raffle (valued at $30 or more).

Opening Address

District 2-4 Trustees, Michelle Skelton, Casey White and Christina Aponte, will briefly go over the history of this weekend’s event and provide you with information on how to stay engaged with ASDA

Ending Address

Daily Takeaways Winner Announced